Short Bio
Born in Asturias (Spain), but residing in Brittany, France since 2015. Is there where she has done most of his outdoor paintings. the support of recent paints is aluminum, copper or steel.
Important changes in my life, such as maternity and moving from one country to another, have all been watershed moments in my life; maternity has made me want to get the most out of myself. Moving country, adapting, and learning a new language have contributed to a greater complexity in my work. I use oils, different palates and supports like metals recently. I try to scrupulously represent a truly personal vision of the themes I work on, avoiding modes and trends; for me art is a lifestyle, an important part of finding out who I am, of getting to know myself and the world around me. At bottom, I try to recover the child-like sense of mystery inspired in me by paintings. I have delved into outdoor painting for different reasons. On the one hand the nature here in french Brittany, where there are two natural parks wich offers so many possibilities for painting landscapes, on the other hand it is in nature where i feel good. I am also interested in the authenticity and complex simplicity inherent in outdoor painting. Landscapes in France are a source of inspiration to me.
Born Avilés, Asturias (Spain), 1977. Presently residing in Brittany, France.
Although presently residing in France, Noemi has spent most of her life in her home town, Avilés, a steel-producing industrial city in the north of Spain. Her early childhood interest in art was actively fostered by her working-class family, who actively encouraged her to draw and to keep diary-style notebooks full of inspiring ideas, including fictitious creative fantasies whose roots lay outside her day-to-day reality, often inspired by illustrated books and reproductions of paintings. Encouraged by example, Noemi grew up surrounded by the fruits of her family’s own creative leanings -scale modelling (ships, mostly), painting and poetry – while her father wrote science fiction.
“In recent years she have felt the need to do more complex works. Important changes in her life, such as maternity and moving from one country to another, have all been watershed moments in her life; maternity has made her want to get the most out of herself, and she have consolidated this change by moving country, adapting, and learning a new language. All these factors have contributed to a greater complexity in my work; She use different palates and is always trying to evolve, to develop her style, but really the most important factor in her work, the aspect which most interests her, is a that she tries to scrupulously represent a truly personal vision of the themes she works on, avoiding modes, trends and fast art; for she, art is a lifestyle, and an important part of finding out who she is, of getting to know herself and the world around her. At bottom, she tries to recover the child-like sense of mystery inspired in her by those works whose reproductions held her fast, rapt in fascination. her main theme is what her eyes see and her intelligence tells her about reality and the world around her, with special focus on beauty and feeling, on the representation of an intimate, poetic personal reality.
The last few years she have delved into outdoors painting for different reasons. On the one hand the nature of french Brittany, where there are two natural parks. The nature here offers so many possibilities for painting landscapes, on the other hand it is in nature where she feels good. She is also interested in the feeling, authenticity and complex simplicity inherent in outdoor painting. Near where she lives they have painted great impressionist artist which are source of inspiration to me.
"The artist's paintings reflect the diversity and ephemerality of landscapes using the painting of the "plein air" so dear to the Impressionists. Noemi Estrada is interested in life itself in all its facets. She works from an introspective point of view and uses her dreams, motherhood and everyday life as the starting point for her paintings. The landscapes? These are his places of life, his wanderings between Spain and France. The artist reveals herself, but also reveals you to yourself.
Resume / CV
Studies, training, diplomas :
June 6, 2021: Workshop training with Steven Assael “Portrait Painting for life” (artist and professor at the Pratt Institute and The School of visual arts in New York, United States.
April 2021: Training at the Townsend workshop with Mia Bergeron: Art school in Chattanooga TN USA
2010: First price in the painting competition, 8th edition, association of the Santa Maria Del Mar district in Aviles.
2003-2006: Diploma in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, specialty Graphic Document. ESAPA, Superior School of Art of the Principality of Asturias, Avilés, Asturias, Spain. Tray 3
1999-2000: Diploma in Printing Technician in Graphic Arts IES Pando, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain Certification for the implementation of a design and illustration program at the Orion Studies Center in Salinas. Documentary heritage and conservation of photographic copies ESAPA (Higher School of Arts of the Principality of Asturias, Avilès,
Music : 1st Conservatory of Aviles, Double bass. 2009. After 2009: Mandolin, Bouzouki, bass guitar and guitar
Professional activities:
Since 2017: Activity as an artist-painter : My works are accessible on Instagram and on worldpress. Some of my works have been sold. Several orders in progress.
In September 2023: Exhibition of my works at the Château du Parc Anger in Redon (Ile-et-Vilaine) from September 1st to 23rd.
October 2017: Cultural volunteer as a restorer in the art restoration workshop at the “Vila Museu” Museum in Villajoyosa (in Alicante).
2015-2016: Musician (bass guitarist) of the Spanish group "Buenaventura", and participated in the production of the group's records.
2010 to 2015: hostess at the Palacio Valdés Theater (ALGAMA)
2007 : Curator of the exhibition “Ancient Models ENSIDESA”, event with a historical and industrial theme developed at the Municipal Center of Art and Exhibitions of Avilés (CMAE). Subsidized by the Department of Culture of Avilés and the Arcelor Mittal group. Assistant artist Carlos Rolon DZINE, to execute murals and graffiti. Work produced in situ for “LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial” as part of the exhibition “IT'S SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL”.
In 2006 : professor of drawing commissioned by the University of Aviles to prepare for the exam for access to ESAPA (University School of Arts of the Principality of Asturias).
2005 : Conservation and restoration of 27 old posters. Work done for the DANAE Foundation. 2005 : Comic strip "Your demons and me" published in 2005 by Santo Grail Producciones. 2001 : Illustrations for the website page of the musical group Dixebra.
2001 : Novatex printing technician, Corvéra.
2000 : Graphics printing technician. Careaga, Salinas.